LARY- "Everybody has a water bufflo, yours is fast, but my is slow. where did we get them i don't know, but everyone has a water buffalo. Took my buffalo to the store. Got his head stuck in the door. Spilt some limabeans on the floor. Oh, everone has a water buffalo!"
ARCHIBALD- "You can't say everyone has a water buffalo! Everone does not have a water buffalo! we are going to get nasty letters saying, were is my buffalo, why don't i have a water buffalo. And are you prepaired to deal with that. I don't think so. So stop being so silly."
"Tune in next time to hear Lary sing..."
LARY- "Everones got a baby kangaroo, yours is pink, but mine is blue..."
ARCHIBALD- "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"
~Silly songs with Lary, everone has a water buffalo...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Real Witches
Can't they see the love that God put into that dying person? Can't they see the love that was given to them? God loves all. The inocent, the brave, the cowardly, and even the witches! Can you see yourself moking others? maybe not in public, but do you hate others and mock them? God loves all, we need to also..
~I would like to thank Happy-Emo-Bunnies for letting me use the begining of her story...thanks!
~I would like to thank Happy-Emo-Bunnies for letting me use the begining of her story...thanks!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Broken Pices of My Heart
I leave them behind when I am broken and sad,
I leave them behind disheveled and scattered,
I leave them behind for the whole world to see,
I leave them behind for you to pick up
The broken pieces of my heart.
~ Thank you everyone who has been there for me throughout my life...happy v-day...i ♥u!
~ Thank you everyone who has been there for me throughout my life...happy v-day...i ♥u!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Life is like a cake.
It is layerd and full of suprises,
everyone has their favorite parts,
and everyone hates some part of it.
It is full of sweetneess and love,
but it can also give you highblood presure. :)
The only diffrence is that you can have your life and "eat" it too.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The Only Reason
The only reason I would not let you have a bite of my chocolate is because I have a life-thretning disease.
The only reason I would not let you come over is because there is a secret plauge at my house.
The only reason I would leave you outside in the cold is that there is a HUGE lion in the house.
The only reason I would not let you barrow my, anything, is because I don't have one.
The only reason I would not let you die is because I love you too much to say goodbye...
I have realized that my past bloggs have not been, "spaztastic." So I am going to do something totaly "Ashley"...
Spaztastic- A word that me and my friend came up with on one of our walks. Because We were being total spazes and just goofing off.
Fuzzed out- A word (s) that I came up with when me and my friends were going to take a picture for our babysitting website.
Epic Dog- A dog me and my friend saw in a back yard and took pictures of. He was sooooooooo cute...or...epic...
Imature- A word that all of my friends say when they are around me (in a fun way.)
Fun- this one is not a word, it is an action, to "fun" something is to make the best out of everything, which i try to do quite often...
Family- synonyms: Love, Fuzzed out : ), Rediculous, Bussy, Always there, Wired, Diffrent, Kind, Anyone who appreciates you.
All of these words discribe me, except epic dog, so there, now you know that i am realy a spaz...
Spaztastic- A word that me and my friend came up with on one of our walks. Because We were being total spazes and just goofing off.
Fuzzed out- A word (s) that I came up with when me and my friends were going to take a picture for our babysitting website.
Epic Dog- A dog me and my friend saw in a back yard and took pictures of. He was sooooooooo cute...or...epic...
Imature- A word that all of my friends say when they are around me (in a fun way.)
Fun- this one is not a word, it is an action, to "fun" something is to make the best out of everything, which i try to do quite often...
Family- synonyms: Love, Fuzzed out : ), Rediculous, Bussy, Always there, Wired, Diffrent, Kind, Anyone who appreciates you.
All of these words discribe me, except epic dog, so there, now you know that i am realy a spaz...
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