The thought of beeing loved poped up in my mind as I began to see the light. It was here! All of the pain and the hurt that I expirenced was gone. It just vanished; love can do that. Love is all that is needed to live a wonderful life. And only the true love comes from Jesus. My heart felt like it exploded. I had just excepted Christ as my savior, and it was the best decition I had ever made. My past life was all a foggy memory; it did not matter. Jesus was in my heart now, and it was all I need. I sat back and took in all of the love and grace, and then I began to live my life for Jesus. Because Jesus died for us. All of the pain you have now can be gone. Jesus can take it away, and give you love and grace in return. You do not have to live your life in pain; no one does.
That is so nice Ashy!
ReplyDeleteThough did you mean popped rather then pooped?
Still really good
Nope, 'cause she said, P-O-P-E-D.
ReplyDeleteP.s. that was really beautiful Ash!
Thats very encouraging.(: